Because of its indented coastline, Dugi otok has always been an attractive destination for all sailors who decided to visit the waters of Zadar.
In Sali, Bribinj and Božava moorings are arranged for the reception of ships, with the possibility of supplying with water and electricity. In Sali is even a toilet facility included in the price of berth. The marina Baotić is located in Veli Rat with associated facilities such as reception and toilet facilities.
In addition to the arranged moorings, anchoring is possible in other bays of Dugi otok, many of which have set up a mooring buoy. Dugi otok’s most famous bays are Telašćica and Čuna, which is connected with the Pantera bay by a narrow channel. Both locations are well-known to yachtsman, as they are a safe anchorage due to their position which gives protection from strong winds.
It is important to mention the deep Solišćica bay where the place Soline is located and Brbinjšćica bay, one of the safest anchorages of Dugi otok towards the open sea.